Please note that the call for sessions is now closed.
We invite researchers and research groups dedicated to technology assessment and related areas such as science and technology studies, responsible research and innovation, public engagement, and foresight to propose topics and formats for conference sessions. In these sessions, scientific findings should be presented and discussed together with other scholars, policymakers and stakeholders (i.e. companies, non-governmental organizations), in order to learn from each other’s perspective.
In line with the Grand Challenges possible topics include Health, ageing and wellbeing; Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio-economy; Secure, clean and efficient energy; Smart, green and integrated transport; Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials; Inclusive, innovative and secure societies. In addition, topics around emerging technologies such as Big Data, the Internet of Things, surveillance technologies, synthetic biology, and nanotechnology would be considered.
The proposals should not exceed 500 words and should include the following:
- A title for the session and description of the topic, taking into account that the scientific findings should be linked to societal challenges and to current or proposed political agendas.
- A description of the papers the chair is asking for. Two formats are considered: The chair invites speakers directly or the chair asks in an open call for papers.
- 2-4 names of policymakers, representatives of NGOs, companies or other relevant stakeholders that could be invited by session chairs and/or the conference organizers.
- Innovative ideas on formats to encourage and promote vivid discussion among researchers, policymakers, stakeholders, and other participants attending the session.
Contact details of chair(s) and of confirmed and proposed speakers.
The general format of the sessions is as follows (other formats are also welcome):
- in the first part (90 minutes) researchers from several disciplines will present scientific findings concerning the sessions’ topic.
- in the second part (60 minutes) policymakers, representatives of NGOs, companies or other stakeholders are asked to elaborate on their perspectives on the topic and to which extent scientific findings may help to deal with societal and political challenges.
Furthermore, a number of sessions will be directed at mutual learning, regarding:
- best practices how to integrate scientific findings and societal perspectives into policy-making (e.g. citizen participation in urban labs, stakeholders’ dialogues, parliamentary expert meetings);
- how responsible research and innovation, public engagement, foresight, and technology assessment can learn from each other’s approaches.
The session proposals will be selected by the scientific committee. In addition to the decision, contributors will receive feedback from the scientific committee regarding the topics and formats of the session, the stakeholders to be invited, and the call for papers.
The session proposals should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The call for sessions is now closed. Applicants will receive notification of acceptance once all proposals have been processed.