Please click here for the full Book of Abstracts for the 3rd European TA Conference in Cork, Ireland, May 17th – 19th 2017.


A1: Assessment of the Technology and Work Environments Relations    
A2: Co-creating responsible research agendas
A3: Linking science and society to policymaking How to serve policymakers’ needs?
A4: Crossing the Chasm to Digital Health Data 
A5: Socio-technical transitions of energy and transport infrastructures: Co-evolution and complexity as challenges for TA 
A6: Technology in Perinatal Healthcare: Helping Mums and Babies
B1: Parliamentary Technology Assessment: Genetic tests during pregnancy 
B2: Ethical Impact Assessment for Research and Innovation 
B3: The Politics of TA
B4: Horizon Scanning: an instrument for early detection 
B5: Towards a Global TA- Possibilities and Challenges 
B6: A role play in TA practices: ways to shape the interaction between science and policy 
C1: Making Sense of Public Engagement in Creating Knowledge for Decision-Making on Science, Technology and Innovation
C2: Untamed participation? The role of bottom-up engagement in “Responsible Research and Innovation”
C3: Knowledge for policymaking How to organize the use of best available knowledge? 
C4: Valueing and evaluation regenerative medicines healthcare potential
C5: Bioeconomy in the spotlight
D1: Getting the story across- Challenges and Benefits of Communicating Technology Assessment
D2: Data protection and privacy impact assessments: An instrument foreseen by the new European data protection regulation
D3: Mutual Learning of Stakeholders and Citizens for a Sustainable Development
D4: Assessing Technologies for health quality and an independent life 
D5: The extensive potential of gene drives based on the newly developed CRISPR-method – a challenge for Prospective Technology Assessment
D6: Responsible Research and Innovation: Perspectives from active and live RRI projects in Higher Education